Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^DwightJM$
Year : 1861
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Dwight, John S.Music in Berlin -- Bach. DwightJM 19 7 18 May 1861 53-54
2. [anon.]Music abroad. Prague. DwightJM 19 16 20 Jul 1861 128
3. [anon.]J. S. Bach (Translated for this journal from the 'Deutsche Musik-Zeitung' of Vienna) 'Arias from Various Cantatas', with piano-forte accompaniment, arranged by Robert Franz. Four sets (9 alto, 9 bass, 9 soprano, 9 tenor arias). Leipzig: F. Whistling. Boston: O. Ditson & Co. DwightJM 19 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25 27 Jul; 3, 10, 17, 24 Aug; 7, 21 Sep 1861 129-130, 139, 147-148, 155-156, 166-167, 177-178, 198
4. [anon.]Music abroad. Basle. DwightJM 19 20 17 Aug 1861 160
5. [anon.]J. S. Bach (Translated for this journal from the 'Deutsche Musik-Zeitung' of Vienna) 'Arias from Various Cantatas', with piano-forte accompaniment [...] (Concluded from page 198). DwightJM 20 2 12 Oct 1861 217-218
6. [anon.]Bach and Handel. DwightJM 20 6 9 Nov 1861 250-251
7. [anon.]Bach's Mass in B Minor (From a correspondent of the London 'Musical World'). DwightJM 20 6 9 Nov 1861 251-252
8. T., A.The study of Bach. DwightJM 20 10 7 Dec 1861 284-285
9. [anon.]Music abroad. Leipzig. DwightJM 20 11 14 Dec 1861 296
10. [anon.]Music abroad. Berlin. DwightJM 20 13 28 Dec 1861 311-312

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita